Tyneside Vagabonds Hillclimb Course (Bothy Bank)
Nasty, brutish and short. Exactly what you’d hope for in a hillclimb – come with me and see for yourself!
Nasty, brutish and short. Exactly what you’d hope for in a hillclimb – come with me and see for yourself!
A vicious pull up from the valley which takes absolutely no prisoners. Can be busy with traffic, but, frankly, by half way you’ll no longer care…
The quintessential working man’s urban hill: steep, busy enough with traffic and populated by quizzical looks as the locals wonder exactly what it was the possessed you to try and ride up…
A nice climb which winds through the woods – just beware the road surface!
A nice, little, climb around the back of Beamish museum – come and experience it with me!
A staple of the Durham Beast event – this steep pull takes you straight through the heart of the village – no putting your foot down!
One of the better known, and slightly feared, climbs of the North East. Come join me to see what it’s like!
The climb used for the 2017 National Hill Climb Championships. Come along with me and see what it’s like!
Despite not being quite so well known, this is a proper little stinger of a climb. Come and experience it with me!
One of the best known climbs in Northumberland. Come and experience it with me, first hand!
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