Prospect Hill – Simon Warren Cycling Climbs of the North East

Another staple of the local Club hillclimb scene – Muckle CC in this case and, I believe, Blaydon CC use it as well. It’s a good test of ‘steady’ hill climbing ability in that there are no stupidly steep ramps, for example like the Ryals, so it’s one where a measured approach works well.

The whole thing zigzags up the side of the hill and, in some ways, is ‘just’ a more vicious version of ZigZag hill in Shropshire.

After the initial few yards, you’re pretty much straight into battle with a nice right handler that rolls into a 14% ramp. For ease, it’s probably worth keeping to the outside of the bends if you can, although this is a public, two way, road and the visibility around the left handlers isn’t great, so please be careful with your road positioning!

The road isn’t wide and you do have to take care in case of oncoming. It’s also a reasonably popular hill for people out walking, although I’ve no ideas what the attraction might be. There are some decent views along the Tyne valley, but you’ll have other things to worry about on the bike.

A couple of swings around and you reach the middle ‘plateau’. It does ease off, although you are still climbing in the 5-7% range. Make the most of it, because there’s another 10%+ section coming which builds as you go around the left handed. I’d also advise paying attention to the road surface around here as it’s not the greatest.

One last bend and you can see the top. Sprint if you’ve got the legs, winch if you don’t. Either way, the crossroads which marks the top isn’t far away and, if you’ve made it this far without putting a food down, then you’ll get there.

Another one ticked off – good job!

Prospect Hill - Simon Warren Cycling Climbs of the North East

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