Church Hill (Beauclerc)

Starting with a ford, this is quite an interesting backroad. It’s not a tough climb, as these things go, and I’d recommend it as one to try if you’re looking for something a little bit different.

It is a little bit weather dependent, though – if it’s been raining significantly over the previous few days, then the water can come over the top of the concrete slabs which have been put down to make the whole thing more passable. There is also an amount of farm traffic up and down the road which means that the surface has been hacked away in places and is damp and muddy in others. I try to be positive with these things, but I do have to flag up the descent as a bit hairy on slick tyres and definitely not one for the Club Run.

That said, the climb is pretty steady. It’s narrow-ish in places, so you’ll need to have your wits about you if there is any traffic. So long as you’re reasonable about doing your best to help, then you’ll not have any bother.

The ascent is divided into a couple of main ‘ramps’, but the gradient doesn’t really change a lot as the road winds its way through the trees. Nice and steady is the watchword and you’ll thoroughly enjoy it!

If there are any other road climbs you’d like me to take on, the more ridiculous the better, then please pop them in the comments, or send me a message on my FaceBook page or email me on and let me know…

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