Oxnop Scar – Simon Warren #46

The first couple of hundred metres of Oxnop Scar have to go down as some of the most imposing of any climb that I know. To look at it from the ‘main’ road you’d think someone wanted to go straight up the side of the hill, except that someone had inconveniently already built a house in the way.

OK, so the first 20m are flat, but, after that, past the 25% sign the road ramps up like a wall in front of you. If you didn’t pick your lowest gear before the sign, then I reckon your probably will now. The next hundred metres is simply about forward motion, and the maintenance thereof. You will need to balance the desire to adjust your position on the road to minimise the local gradient with the fact that there could be oncoming traffic to make sure you don’t get flattened. It’s not what you’d call a busy road, but Sod’s Law would suggest that you do run a risk.

Once past the house (and the curious glances of the occupants) the slope relents ever so slightly. It’s still damned steep, but just not quite as bad. Forward progress is still a problem and, if you’ve put yourself too far into the red on the first bit, you’ll likely be in a world of hurt right now. Fortunately, this section doesn’t get any worse (not that it exactly gets much better, either) and you’ll find that you can settle into it just a tiny bit. I wouldn’t go hunting for a bottle just yet, though – still just a bit much likelihood of severe weavage.

And, then, as if by magic, it gets easier. There’s still a decent way to the top, but the really hard bit is now done and you can relax a bit. Even better is that the remainder of the climb is pretty rampy with a couple of short descents through into the mix too, although you’ll need to be careful as the road surface here can be gravelly.

So, setting into that routine of ‘effort, relax’ with the odd freewheel. Even on wrecked legs, you’ll make it to the top now.

As the topography begins to close in on you, you’ll get a sense of the gully which will take you to the summit. The road takes a very conservative path along one side of the formation, dragging up just a bit before landing the final punch in the last 100m. It’s not stupid steep (high teens), but it’s enough to put a serious dent into your average speed. And, if the wind is in the wrong direction, you’ll also have that to contend with, which will be fun. There’s nothing for it other than to hunker down, brace yourself and just keep putting out the power until you’re clear. The slope doesn’t give way immediately – there’s a short continuation, but the left hander marks the beginning of the end.

As you bear leaft, you will feel things get much easier (wind direction notwithstanding) and it’s an easy few pedal strokes to the summit – a most excellent job!

One last note: whichever way you descend from here is steep, twisty and narrow in places. Please be careful and never ride so fast that you cannot stop in the distance you can see to be clear.

If there are any other road climbs you’d like me to take on, the more ridiculous the better, then please send me a message on my FaceBook page https://www.facebook.com/wheelygoodcycling/ or email me on wheelygoodmail@gmail.com and let me know…

Oxnop Scar - Simon Warren #46

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