Shibdon Bank

Just when you thought you were safe. This is probably the toughest ascent in the area and has a bit of a reputation, probably quite fairly. It’s one of those classics where the stats don’t quite to it justice – the numbers suggest Blaydon Bank is harder. It isn’t. The main ramp feels much harder, because there is absolutely no change in gradient and the flatter part further up is a lot shorter.

At least you know what you’re going to get from the very bottom. Pro tip: pick a low gear before you start this one. Turn left, or right, onto it from the main road and, bang!, straight up to 12% and it continues like this, without relenting, well past the left hand corner you can just about see in the distance.

As you ignore the ridicule you think you’re getting from the car, and bus, drivers, the important thing is to just keep turning the pedals over. The good news, if you can call it that, is that it won’t get any worse, not that it’ll get much better for a little while, mind.

Once round the left hand bend, you can see the joys that await: another stretch of continuous uphill. It does back off ever so slightly to just over double digits, but it’s not so much as you’d notice it. The right hand curve you can now see in the distance represents the Gateway to Recovery. Yes, there is actually some flat! Depending on whether you’re in this for a time, or simply the glory of making it up without putting your foot down, you can choose whether to back off, or push on, over this section safe in the knowledge that the next ramp is the final one and that you can, essentially, see the top from there.

It’s true, that final ramp isn’t so bad really, but the cumulative fatigue will make it feel like it’s vertical. Just keep on pushing through because you are so nearly there!

Aaaaaaand … you’re done. Fantastic effort!

If there are any other road climbs you’d like me to take on, the more ridiculous the better, then please send me a message on my FaceBook page or email me on and let me know…

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