Tyneside Vagabonds Hillclimb Course (Bothy Bank)

[Many thanks to John F. for letting me know this climb’s alternative name of Bothy Bank. – Ed]

A climb with some subtlety in spite of its short length.

Standing by the gatepost on the corner of a field, watching pretty cows go by is the start line. To be fair, I made up the bit about the cows, but the start line is, indeed, by a gatepost. From here, you’re fired along a straight, flat, section with an atrocious road surface. Assuming you can control your effort (many haven’t and it’s not gone well later on) and avoid a blowout, you will, eventually, come to the real beginning of the climb.

The road winds slowly around to the left, getting progressively steeper as it does so. Pro tip: change down early for this as being caught in a high gear for the ramp which follows is a Bad Idea. To give you some idea, I raced the course as part of a mixed tandem team and we almost ground to a complete stop in our bottom gear of 42-27.

Assuming you’re still moving, you’re now on the first of the three steep ramps. It’s not very long (50-60m) and it’s easy to overcook as it is the first one. Lots of gas, but not quite full is the order of the day to get the best out of yourself.

Relax just a little in the very short respite which follows before hitting the next ramp with full gas. Again, it’s not long, but it is the steepest of the three. It’ll be burning just a bit now.

And, again, relax in the slight easing of the gradient before engaging the engines once more for the final ramp around the right hander. This is the most popular spot for spectators, so make sure you put on a good show!

Once around the corner, the gradient will relent again, but you need to keep the hammer down as this is the point on the course when you cna make the difference. Just do whatever it takes: grit your teeth, scream or even just HTFU, but just gun it as best you can along here. If you’re not feeling sick at this point, you haven’t gone hard enough – and there will be plenty of time for vomit later.

To the crest – that’s all you need to do. You get a view of the gate on the left of the road which marks the end of the course. Just get to there at full tilt – everything after that will take care of itself. You can do this. You will not buckle.

Aaaand …. over the top we go. Let yourself roll along until you find a small, quiet, spot where you can dismount the bike, curl up and let the shaking commence, secure in the knowledge that you gave it 100%. Fantastic effort – and something to aim for next year when you come back and do it all again…

If there are any other road climbs you’d like me to take on, the more ridiculous the better, then please send me a message on my FaceBook page https://www.facebook.com/wheelygoodcycling/ or email me on wheelygoodmail@gmail.com and let me know…

Tyneside Vagabonds Hillclimb

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1 Response

  1. 15th January 2020

    […] near the bottom of the Vagabonds Hillclimb is an even shorter, sharper, shock: The Rat, so called because it passes by The Rat […]

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