The Ryals – Simon Warren #158

Ah, yes, The Ryals. Thought of, locally at least, as two of the toughest inclines around and a regular part of the Cyclone sportive rides. Also, locally, is the thought that the Ryals consist of the two main ramps, but it’s not quite as straightforward as that – there is a long section ahead of that which does its best to take the energy from your legs before you even reach the main event.

The very start of the Ryals, up from the bridge, is trivially easy – a small pull up, past the crossroads and onto the short descent before the real work begins. It doesn’t last long, so make the most of it – when the road kicks up, your speed will vanish.

The first ramp, which isn’t a Ryal proper, you understand, is a mere 15%. It doesn’t last long and, from experience, it’s not really worth much to give it too much beans here. I tried that approach once and it didn’t end well. The reason will become clear as you crest this section and, in front of you is what looks like a plateau past a small house on the right. It’s not flat, unless flat is expanded to encompass about 7%. This is the section where your patience will be tried – it’s just a bit too long to be comfortable and it’s easy to get to the next crest feeling like something has gone wrong with the Universe.

Over the top you then get your first head-on look at the Main Event. It looks like a wall. But, fear not, you can make it up there! As you can’t quite hear on the video, the trick is not to give it the beans from the bottom. I know it sounds a bit weird, but the steepest section is the top 1/3, so, if this is a new climb to you, I’d recommend winching your way sensibly up the bottom part until you get to the tree on the right hand side. The road will kick up to 20-something% at this point, which is where I’d recommend deploying your main effort. A few metres and you’ll be at the top … of the first Ryal.

Happily, the second Ryal is much easier than the first. As a rough guide, you’ll get up comfortably one gear higher than you used for the first one. The combination of the short descent between the ramps and the knowledge that, this time around, the steep part is at the bottom, means that you can get up a bit of momentum and retain some of it all the way up in a way that you’ll likely struggle with on the first one.

The only time the tactics change is if there’s an Easterly wind – a headwind up the Ryals is No Fun, and that’s Official. Find a different route would be my suggestion, but, if you feel you really have to, then take a couple of Rule 5 pills, engage bottom gear, grit your teeth and just keep turning the pedals. The Best of British if you attempt it – I’ve been there and I feel your pain!

Once up the big ramps, you’re done – good effort!

It’s then a relatively flat run into the village itself. Along the way you’ll have much opportunity to have your teeth rattled out by the road surface, but that’s OK as you’ll likely have ground them down a bit by climbing up to this point in the first place. Just keep moving – there is a sort-of smooth-ish line through the craters by the farm entrance.

If you’re feeling peckish, head to the Matfen Village Shop and feel free to sate your stomach’s desires at the small, but perfectly formed, café they run. Bacon, sausage, egg and black pudding sandwiches are available – and tell them I sent you…

Ryals Hill - Simon Warren #158

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