Station Road

I have my Good Lady, Mrs Wheelygood, to thank for this one. Back in the day she took part in a weekly bootcamp type class based in Heddon which was run by an ex-Army PT, Mac. This class was followed by an optional run – actually optional and not SAS ‘optional’ – with one of the routes coming back up to Heddon from the riverside path via Station Road, or, colloquially to the group, Death Mountain.

It’s a bit tricky to get to the bottom of this one. Riding down it is no fun at all due to the road surface – it’s been chewed to bits in places by the farm machinery which has been up and down over the years. In fact, I’d go so far as to say it’s quite dangerous and would strongly advise you not to do this – I did it once, but I think I got away with it. Your other choice is to ride along the route of the old railway line either from Newburn or Wylam; it’s easy enough and it’s dead flat. It’s also busy with walkers, kids, other cyclists and dogs. If you’re into keeping up your average speed, you’ll be in tears well before you get to the farm entrance.

Oh, yes, did I forget to mention that? If you come at it from the river, you need to ride through the middle of a farmyard. It’s a public right of way and you’re allowed to ride a bike, so there’s no issue other than … it’s a farm, which means that the ground will be slippery and, as they have cows, a bit patty too.

Assuming you’ve survived the perils of getting there, you’ll be greeted, in true Dilbert-esque style, by a small pre-ramp. It’s just enough to take away any momentum you might have thought you could bring to the main climb thus leaving you slow, and exposed, before the Big Ramp. And up she rises – pretty much straight into the teens low, but hang on in there as it gets worse further up.

Unless you’re Chris Froome, you’re a grinder up here. The combination of the 18% upness and, frankly, pants road surface will take their toll eventually. Eventually, after a couple of bends and several eternities, there’s an easier bit. Enjoy it. Soak in the moment. it doesn’t last.

You will be unsurprised to note that when things ramp up again, they mean business and, as you pass into the houses, it will kick up again. The going’s easier now with the smoother road surface, but it still feels like it’s sucking the life out of your legs. But, salvation is at hand … well, 100m away. You’re so close now you can taste it. Just. Keep. Going.

As you pull around the final left hander and up to the junction, you can relax, safe in the knowledge that you’ve done a brilliant job!

If there are any other road climbs you’d like me to take on, the more ridiculous the better, then please send me a message on my FaceBook page or email me on and let me know…

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